Level Up Your Leadership Mojo

with Gretchen Pisano, MCC, MAPP

Leadership Expert. Thought Leader. Speaker.
CEO and Co-founder of pLink Leadership.

Level Up Your Leadership Mojo

with Gretchen Pisano, MCC, MAPP

Leadership Expert. Thought Leader. Speaker.
CEO and Co-founder of pLink Leadership.

Level Up

with Gretchen

Leadership Expert.
Thought Leader.
CEO and Co-founder
of pLink Leadership.

Leadership is a complex journey full of opportunity, significant responsibilities, and consequential decisions. These pressures, over time, lead to burnout, decision avoidance, relationship tensions and playing not to lose rather than playing to win—which ultimately leads to mediocrity. Our goal is to tap into the best of every leader, despite the weightiness of the role, empowering them with self-trust and professional courage to lift the organization to a new place.

Gretchen Pisano - Chief Executive Officer & Co-founder

Are you ready to live and
lead on purpose?

For more than two decades, she has delivered keynote speeches, live workshops and coached leaders of leaders combining science, perspective, and know-how with the practical reality of leadership practices built upon the 3 fundamental commitments of exceptional leaders: Building Competence, Character, and Consciousness.

Gretchen and her team have guided thousands of emerging and established high-performing leaders internationally and at some of the world’s largest companies to live and lead on purpose, with emotional intelligence and intention, resulting in impactful transformation and sustainable growth– for people and company. Clients have reported achievement of moonshot goals, greater levels of creativity and innovation, higher levels of collaboration, and the building of cultures that focus people on the right priorities and retain fantastic talent.

Gretchen knows that being an effective leader requires a dedicated practice that maintains a sharp focus, keen intuition, self-trust and vibrant energy. She understands that two of the greatest challenges facing leaders today is improving the alignment and performance of teams (collective leadership) and leading a remote workforce.

Spending time with Gretchen and the pLink Team, means to walk away a better version of yourself. Bolder, braver, and freer to make your mark on the world and bring others along.

You can only be as good of a leader
as you are to yourself.