I think we all just wish we had more time with you!

Validation on the things I value, challenge on things I don't do often enough. It was refreshing to learn that the aspects of leadership presented in this course are aligned with what I think good leadership looks like and the ways I strive to be. This course has given me some tools to continue striving to be that way, examine myself more critically against some good guidelines, and continue to grow towards excellence.

As a L&D professional, I recognize well thought out material, and strong faciliatory delivery. This training is a shining example of what good training is and should be. Truly chef's kiss! thank you so much! And thank you to Rebecca and Wendol for giving me so much personalized time and thoughtful coaching, while also seeming to do the same for all 29 of us. This experience was beyond impactful and I will be forever grateful for it.

My thoughts on being a leader have changed. Before the program, I viewed leadership as managing people and being the only person in the organization with solutions. Now I realize that leadership takes place at all levels of an organization. Leadership is not about one person making a change - it's about building relationships with colleagues and empowering them to work in their strengths.

The program helped a lot with self-awareness. It gave me time to think about my team as a team rather than just a group of individuals, and how different strengths within the team could be used for different things. The course also gave a great toolkit for having feedback conversations and has made me appreciate the importance of these kinds of learning discussions for both my benefit and the the benefit of others in the team.

I wanted to take a moment to express my sincere gratitude for the exceptional leadership training you provided. The knowledge, insights, self-awareness, and skills I gained from the training have been truly invaluable. Your expertise and dedication to helping us develop as leaders were evident throughout the program. I particularly appreciated your ability to create a safe and open environment where we could freely share our thoughts. I’m confident all that I learned will contribute to my personal growth as well as the success of my team.

There are so many "leadership development" experts and consultants out there that it's hard to know who can actually help. Only pLink, in my experience, takes the time to connect with each participant and understand their true struggles in order to help. Their materials are realistic and helpful and never rely on platitudes or formulaic "solutions." Our entire leadership team has benefited from our time with pLink, as has the staff.

This was so different than any other leadership training I've done. It was about receiving information well rather than presenting/projecting information.

During my participation in the program, we started each engagement with a brief exercise to determine how we were arriving. The intentional act of taking a few minutes to access and share my own current state of being, not only prepared me for interacting with the instructors and fellow participants but it also allowed me to really see how that brief moment of self-awareness affected my level of participation, understanding and empathy. I am practicing this behavior as much as I can and as often as time allows and have noticed that it has significantly decreased my level of anxiety, it has sharpened my listening skills and has created a path for me to be more thoughtful in the feedback I provide to others and more positive in in my response to challenging and/or uncomfortable situations,

I wanted to personally write you and thank all of you for the impacts you have had in my professional development and growth over the last two and a half years here. You all are GREAT leaders, mentors and most of all TREMENDOUS coaches and I have thoroughly enjoyed working with each and every one of you. There were A LOT of lessons learned while at this company and you’ve really helped me along the way to discover new perspectives in my continuing evolution as a leader, professional, father and husband.

As a result of our i2a process we were able to unify ten offices and 1200 employees under one vision, a shared set of values, and a well understood set of strategies that had been designed and implemented in a highly collaborative process. The best part – we could give our strategic plan to every employee, on one sheet of paper.

All are excellent and communicate very effectively. You guys know your stuff! You work as a team when speaking to the group and I appreciate all of your input.

Hello Gretchen, THANK YOU so much for the session today. I think the leaders walked away with some great insights. I really appreciate your data driven approach—the graphics really helped them see patterns/themes clearly at the beginning. The examples, anecdotes and tips you provided were amazing as well. I truly enjoyed working with you on this.

Helen, I was thinking after (our Coaching Circle) today that none of the material was new for me, what has made a world of difference is the format and your presence. Thank you again.

I think of everything now from a "learner" rather than a "knower" mindset - I'd been told I was curious before starting the program, but now I'd call myself more actively curious. I've also given myself and other more grace when scheduling meetings and needing to move them. And I've found myself making a much greater use of open-ended questions than before, which has led to richer discussions among the colleagues I work with.