Level Up Your Leadership Mojo

with Gretchen Pisano, MCC, MAPP

Gretchen’s Leadership Mojo Tips

The Path to Personal Growth: How to Set Powerful Intentions to Guide Your Professional Development

Ready to steer your own professional growth? This guide walks you through an intention-setting process to gain clarity on where you are now, connect with your core values, and boldly declare career goals. Defining your destination fuels the journey there. Get actionable steps to manifest your brightest professional future.

Zooming in and Zooming Out - Building Your Whole Systems Perspective Muscle

Zooming in and Zooming Out: Building Your Whole Systems Perspective Muscle

As a leader, there is a ripple effect to your actions. The speed, scale, and scope of our impact is proportional to our title regardless of our leadership skill. To ensure the success of our team and the organization, we must consider the bigger picture. This is where systems thinking comes in; critical to effective leadership and often overlooked as a skill that can be taught and learned. Think big, lead better.

Create a Culture of Practice

A strategic guide to empower HR, senior leaders, and their leadership development partners in creating a culture of practice.

10 Mindsets of Positive Leaders

Develop a positive leader’s mindset. This month’s Leadership Mojo Tip is 10 Mindsets of Positive Leaders (and the behaviors that support them).

Approaching Leadership with Competence, Character, and Consciousness The “how-to” of bringing others along with the 3Cs

Approaching Leadership with Competence, Character and Consciousness

We are complex, evolving creatures who thrive with directed development. The best leaders in the world constantly evolve how they think and then act on their insights. Set the frame with your team by doing a teach-back on the “c-suite” of how great leaders develop: The 3Cs: Competence, Character, and Consciousness. The happy byproduct of a teach-back is that you get it in your bones in the process of bringing others along.

Conversations Change the Future

Conversations change the future, and even great leaders mess them up. There are a few factors that predictably get in the way of great future-shaping conversations and compromise a leader’s ability to do them well.

The conversations that you inspire will earn you the title of leader. The conversations you lead will earn you the trust of others and continued growth.

Things to Read or Watch Summer of 2023​

In my experience, the power of reading is not so much that the author is telling you something you don’t already know but that you are connecting your experience to a new way of thinking, leading to inspired action. Avoid the aspirational stack on your nightstand. Choose one read/listen at a time and go for it. When you finish it, choose the next.

The Power of Accountability in Leadership

Moving from common knowledge to common practice means understanding the skills and embodying the concept as your everyday way of being. In the beginning, it takes practice, and eventually, it becomes your practice.

10 Reads that Build Bolder, Freer Leaders

In my experience, the power of reading is not so much that the author is telling you something you don’t already know but that in the act of reading, you are connecting your own experience to a new way of thinking, which leads to inspired action.

Avoid the aspirational stack on your nightstand. Choose one summer read/listen and go for it. When you finish it, choose the next.

Train Your Brain and Land the Learning

Overcome resistance and translate learning to inspired action. This month’s Leadership Mojo Tip will help you train your brain, apply your insights, and create better outcomes.