The question I am getting a lot these days from my executive coaching clients is “How do I manage a hybrid work environment?” It’s a great question and a worthy challenge as we manage the (finally) accepted reality that employees can be highly effective while also working remotely along with the reality that some employees prefer to work from the office. It is a challenging question because human beings are complex and having some interactions in-person and some remotely is a whole lot more complex than everybody being in person or everybody being remote. FOMO is a real thing.

Managing a Hybrid Work Environment: Five Ideas to Make Your Meetings Work
Gretchen Pisano
Gretchen Pisano is an executive coach, consultant, speaker, author, and the CEO and co-founder of pLink Leadership. Featured in Fast Company, Time’s Money, and, Gretchen has coached Fortune 500 companies worldwide on how people and profit thrive with positive leadership. She lives with her family in Maryland.