Ace Grullon
Growing up in New York City, Ace was exposed to many different cultures and lifestyles, which is why she is an advocate for diversity in all aspects. She comes from a traditional Dominican household and has always felt very connected to her culture. Her experiences have made her more aware and conscious of the perceptions that society can perpetuate, and it’s one of the reasons that she was drawn to storytelling at a young age. When she noticed that she rarely ever saw accurate representations in the media of people that looked like her or came from where she did, it made her feel invisible to the rest of the world. She’s put her energy into doing something about it.
Ace started writing stories that she – and the people around her – could relate to. She dreamed of seeing those stories on the big screen one day. She has a bachelor’s degree from Lehman College where she majored in Film and Television Studies and minored in Media Communications and Theatre. Having explored different narratives, she has realized she wants to impact the world in a positive way. She has a passion for creating her own content and wants to represent the Latinx and LGBTQ community.
Ace lives in Manhattan, and thanks to her parents’ very large families, she has dozens of aunts, uncles, and cousins both in New York and around the world. On weekends, she enjoys trying different restaurants, taking a walk in the park, and staying in to watch movies.
Q&A with Ace
Where I grew up: I grew up in the Bronx.
My family: My mother was one of 8 and my father was one of 13 children, so it’s safe to say I have a HUGE family. At 24 years old, I’m still being introduced to new relatives. I have the best memories of growing up because of all the fun I had with my cousins during weekends, holidays, and summer vacations. As the oldest, I have this natural instinct to protect my siblings. I tend to offer them advice, even if they don’t ask for it. From both of my parents, I have a sister (20) and brother (19), and from my dad, I have another sister (3). Strangers tend to think that my baby sister is my daughter – it’s the funniest thing.
My favorite music: I am a big fan of hip-hop and R&B.
My favorite foods: I love tacos, pasta, and Dominican food.
My favorite cocktail: I always enjoy a piña colada.
What I like to do in my spare time: On my spare time, I love to travel and explore new cities. I have a bucket list of places I want to visit in the near future.
My first job: I was a sales associate at the shoe store Aldo’s.
Something no one would believe about me: I’m a big DC comic books fan. People are always so shocked when they find out how much I know about the characters.

Todo tiene solución, menos la muerte.
Ace’s Dad