The Secret Weapon of Resilient Leaders
Self-care is the art of taking good care of one’s mind, body, and spirit. It is foundational to leadership and necessary if you want to keep your composure when your world heats up.
Self-care is the art of taking good care of one’s mind, body, and spirit. It is foundational to leadership and necessary if you want to keep your composure when your world heats up.
I always try to look to look past the obvious and find the buried beauty in the world around me. Not just to look, but to see, absorb, and appreciate beauty and excellence in non-traditional examples.
Resilience is not something that we have or don’t have. It is behaviors, thoughts, and actions that are learned and developed.
At moments when you feel the lowest, have you noticed how you treat yourself? Do you respond with self-compassion or self-flagellation?
The New Year, conjures up new possibilities, the opening for untrodden paths and new directions. And resolutions.
At pLink, we believe with everything we’ve got that it is possible to have an eye to the future and a steady foot in the present.