100-Level Leaders
The 100 to 200 journey
100-level leaders on their way to 200-level are outstanding individual contributors with solid technical knowledge and a desire to improve continuously. People who consistently demonstrate excellence in their body of work are often promoted to manager. As a new manager, the expectation is that you will manage the work of several people, consistently delivering on time and within budget, thereby freeing up your manager to think and act at a higher conceptual level.
Common pinch point: New managers will resist the vulnerability of delegating while simultaneously taking on more and more in an effort to demonstrate their potential to the organization.
Solutions for 100-level leaders
Individual and Cohort
Executive Coaching
The ground truth is that the more effective your leaders are, the better your business performs. Adaptation is learn/unlearn/relearn in motion, and it is so much easier, faster, and more fun with our coaches.
Leadership Lab
Positive Leadership
Equip your team with the transformative tools of positive leadership. Our Lab offers your leaders an exploration into enhancing their effectiveness, adopting powerful mindsets, and mastering engagement techniques. Empower them to meet their goals while uplifting their teams, fostering a workplace environment that’s as productive as it is positive.
Creative Leadership • Leadership and Identity • Values in Action • Strength-based Leadership • Delegation • Feedback • Leading with Trust
Optional follow-on module: Leadership Style Guide (self-directed)
Self-awareness • Professional Courage • Authenticity • Outcome-focused leadership • Values-driven leadership • Development of a well-rounded team • Proactive feedback • Decision-making • Effective Communication
Time Investment
Standard Lab – 4 months/5 hours per month (Learning Lab, Integration Session, and prework)
Extended Lab – 6 months/3.5 hours per month (single-topic Learning Lab, Integration Session, and prework)
For new leaders
Leadership Quickstart
Foundational leadership skills for new managers.
- Preparing for a difficult conversation, centering mind/body/spirit for the best possible outcome, practice the 60-second opening of a hard conversation
- OARS with emphasis on Affirmations & Reflections (affirm, validate, reflect) and some insight or element that makes the practice uniquely pLink
- List out limiting beliefs (practice); familiarize with best practices of delegation
Dare to Lead™
A novel leadership curriculum on the relationship between vulnerability and courage and how to do both well in life and work. Developed by Dr. Brené Brown, powered by pLink Leadership.
pLink EQuus™
Our gentle equine “colleagues,” along with your pLink coach, will illuminate blind spots and elevate your leadership in less than a day. It really is that good.